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MIRE Training

Training Dates

Requirements for Completion

They will create their own e-playlists with music for
MIRE according to their target client groups, cultural background, and therapeutic needs

Will fill out logs with at least 5 relevant readings (books/book
chapter/articles) they read from the suggested bibliography list

Will submit 1 case-study report of a series of a minimum 6 sessions with a client to highlight ways of using MIRE, problems or advances of the therapeutic processing, justification of music choices, difficulties, outcomes, and benefits.

Will complete evaluation forms and will participate in focus-group to feedback on the quality of the training and the quality of experience.

Will be encouraged to present their work with Music and Imagery in local presentation meetings in professional settings, contribute to conversations, and share their own experience with colleagues, managers, and stakeholders.

Will be encouraged to present parts of their work, impressions, learnings, and case-studies implemented during MIRE training at the online day conference (central results dissemination event).


Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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